Styret har mottatt brev fra den nederlandske klubben med beskrivelse av utfordringer med å få gjennomført gPRA analyser. Det ser ut til at det fortsatt ikke er noen avklaring for gjennomføring av disse analysene, men styret følger opp, og vil komme med mer informasjon, så snart vi hører noe nytt.
Dear friends,
In his letter of August 24th, 2020 Mr. Brand of Biofocus assured me that, although Biofocus, as published on their homepage, would stop with their veterinary work as per August 31st 2020, the testing for Schapendoes would continue as usual. Mr. Brand promised me per email and in his letter that, if this would change and they would have to stop with their work for Schapendoes as well, he would inform me well in time to be able to find an other laboratory.
Some of you perhaps recently have sent blood and have not yet received a response.
Unfortunately, upon inquiry, I was informed that the Biofocus Laboratory has immediately stopped all their veterinary work, including the gPRA test for Schapendoes.
They did not inform me about this!
(Through contact with Prof. Epplen the news reached me that both of my contacts in Biofocus – mr. Wagner and mr. Brand – since September 2020 are no longer connected to the Biofocus laboratory.)
Together with IGS and VNS I am trying to find another laboratory that can take over our gPRA-tests and storage of blood/DNA.
Please inform your members.
Hope to be able to send you more news soon.
Kind regards,
Godelieve M.L. de Wit-Bazelmans